References >> Iasi Cardiovascular Diseases Institute
"Prof. Dr. George I.M.Georgescu" Institute Iasi provides high quality medical services – from preventive medication to the most complex cardiovascular surgical interventions..
The Cardiovascular Diseases Institute integrates the latest high medical technologies and the most efficient treatment techniques for patients diseases.
EYECON MEDICAL supplied the Institute the following equipment:
Blood donator chair – wheel chair with feet and back sections, separate movements, locking system, lateral handles, IV stand with two hooks and four wheels with locking system;
Bed-head unit CARE type, having each 2 oxygen, compressed air and vacuum outlets, nine electrical outlets 230V and 3 equi-potenital pins;
Bed-head unit PRISM type, having each 2 oxygen, compressed air and vacuum outlets, seven electrical outlets 230V and one equi-potenital pin;