Events >> The Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology
The Congress of the Romanian-German Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology that was held during July 4-6, 2013 in Timisoara was the last on the first semester events calendar, successfully concluding an intense season of promoting our products and services through specialized events.
The foundation and continuous activity of the Romanian-German Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (SRGOG) represents the confirmation of the high scientific and performance level that characterizes this field in Timisoara – the town that hosted the event.
The 9th edition of SRGOG Congress was organized together with the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Victor Babes Timisoara, the Romanian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Romanian Academy Timisoara Branch. A number of 120 participants from Romania and Germany shared their experience, theoretical or practical, in this domain that requires continuous training and improvement.
EYECON MEDICAL had a highly professional presence at this event, showing some equipments of high performance: the gynecological chair Gynex 3 - a remarkable device through its functionality and esthetic characteristics, and the emergency trolley GAL850-E - a device with multiple functionalities and accessories. All the professionals that attended the event appreciated the features and the reliability of these equipments.