Events >> Sources of Funding for the Medical Sector
The month of June was dedicated to the conferences focused on one of the hottest points in Romanian healthcare system: sourcing of necessary funding. The three events called SOURCES OF FUNDING FOR THE MEDICAL SECTOR organized in Bucharest, Iasi and Constanta on 9th, 22nd and 30th of June 2016, brought together a number of 300 participants who learned about methods and sources of funding for the construction, expansion and modernization of medical areas, health infrastructure modernization, purchase of equipment, furniture, computer systems and medical software. Also, participants learned the success stories of the most important projects developed in our country.
EYECON MEDICAL was an important sponsor of these conferences, but our company's main role in these events was to present our success story as a core partner in one of the most challenging projects developed in Romania during 2016, with European funds: THE UNIT OF EXCELLENCE IN MATERNAL-FETAL ASSISTANCE, "Polizu" Hospital for Obstetrics and Gynecology Bucharest - a successful project from concept through implementation and operation.